Only today!


We will process your order as quickly as possible and dispatch it from our warehouse.
Our products are delivered via reputable courier services, ensuring fast and secure shipping. Each package is insured, and its current status can be easily tracked using a unique tracking number on the courier's website. The standard delivery time is typically 4–5 working days.

At bimago, free delivery applies to all orders within the European Union, allowing you to enjoy your purchases without any additional shipping costs.
In case of shipping to any country outside the EU, additional duties and other payments may be charged, which are to be paid directly to the courier upon delivery. As the UK has left the EU, there are now extra customs fees and checks in place at the border for orders above £135.

ATTENTION! The particular shipping costs can be higher than the standard ones if the destination address is marked by the courier as a remote area (e.g. little islands, areas hardly accessible by car etc.). If you have any doubts – please feel free to contact us. Give us your exact delivery address so that we can inform you on the shipping cost to your address.

Please note: We do not ship orders to Channel Islands.

As soon as your product is sent, we are going to confirm it to you in an automatic e-mail.

Due to the increased number of orders and the heavy workload experienced by courier companies we collaborate with during the peak season, delivery times may be longer than the estimated timeframe displayed on our website. We kindly ask for your understanding during this exceptional period.

If your order has not arrived within the expected timeframe, please first check the tracking information for your shipment. If no details are available or the information is unclear, contact our Customer Service team. We will be happy to assist you in resolving the issue and finding a solution.